Pictures Of Grace Coulthurst

Vital Stats
Grace Anne Coulthurst
Born:February 21, 1999
Time:Approx. 11 AM
Weight:7 pounds 10 oz
Height:19 inches

On Thursday night 11, March, 1999 we (Jessie Wintle & Mark Wintle) visited Grace Coulthurst at the home of her parents, Patti and Dave. Grace was 18 days old. "Ms. Patti" is not checking email right now, but probably will be soon.

Photos by Mark Wintle

Click on any picture to get a full-screen version

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Okay, so this isn't Grace. It's Jessie.

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Blurry picture of little manicured fingernails

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That's a yawn. Grace never cried during our visit.

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That's not a doll. Really.

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We gave Patti, Dave and Grace some nice chewable books and stuff.

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Of the three pictures of toes here, this one is actually in focus. That's my hand (MEW) and Grace's little foot.

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Notice the size of Grace's hand vs. Patti's finger.

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Dave's a sweet Daddy.

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Teeny little Grace

This page created using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.