Only through the "Guestbook", email, or web statistic gathering. The guestbook is on a separate site, not completely under my control, and will have its own privacy policies, which may be in opposition to mine.
This information is retained indefinitely
For statistical analysis to better target the site's contents to the audience.
Information will only be shared in aggregate statistical format, except in the case of the guestbook. All entries there are in a public forum. Submissions of stories for publication on this website are understood to be made completely public, and will be attributed, unless the submitter requests anonymity.
This statistical data may be shared with colleagues, other similar web sites, the inquiring public, and the press.
Any inquiry from the public will be considered, however no personal quotes will be shared without the author's permission, unless deceased.
No information other then macro-level statistical information is collected from children.
Email is read by Mark Wintle and responded to personally. It is archived on my PC. Occasionally submitted email will be excerpted and "quoted" to other historians when researching a topic.
This website does not currently use, distribute or inspect cookies. However the webmaster will occasionally eat them with milk.