The Wintle 10th Anniversary Party
Pictures from the event!
These are all real verbatim questions. No made-up Dear Abbie ones here!
- When?
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 ce
Time: 5pm.
- Where?
Bayley Ellard High School campus -- "The Mansion"
- Do I have to choose between chicken and fish? (an actual question I received today)
Well, since I'm vegetarian that would be unpleasant for me. So you know that's not going to
happen. We're planning a buffet. We haven't yet picked the caterer, but all of them
specialize in Italian cuisine. Eccola will be the caterer. If you've ever tried them
you know that this means that the food will be exceptionally good!
- What do I wear?
Everyone has been asking about attire. It keeps changing. Since it's such a beautiful
building, we were thinking a little dressy. But it isn't air conditioned and it's summer.
So I expect most people to be wearing summer dresses, somthing light, polo shirts or
shirt w/tie, no suits. Some people might show up in shorts, but I doubt many.
- Are gifts accepted?
I suppose some people will feel like they have to bring a gift. Others will see a
little something they know we'd like. If either of them make you happy, go ahead. Otherwise,
no, we don't expect people to bring gifts.
- Will Ignazio be there?
Yes! He will be available for petting, fondeling, cooing, and general fawning, tripping over yourself "awwww"ing. He's getting big quickly!
- Are you still having a piano player?
Unfortunatly that didn't work out. Especially since there will be a very nice grand piano there sitting untouched!
I plan to use Paul's iMac to play MP3's off a playlist that I have to arrainge Friday and Saturday. I hope it works! (ah computers)
- More information as it occurs to us. Email us (below) if you have questions or suggestions!
Mark Wintle
Jessie Wintle
Fill in a web page with a text page (including receipt confirmation)
You can also "manually" page me at 888-916-7038. For Jessie's pager see our home page